Monday, December 21, 2009

Going Home for Break

So, going home has proved to be more difficult than I imagined (yet again). I'm stuck in Rochester for the moment, without a way of getting out, until Tuesday. I've been emailing, calling, and complaining to Continental since yesterday, as the lack of seats seems to be incorrect (for lack of better words). At first, they wanted me to take a ticket for Thursday or Friday, which was unacceptable. Next, they tried to get me to leave on Wednesday (I took that ticket, but then still kept complaining, because I could see open seats on flights through their site). So, I finally got a ticket for Tuesday. I'm still working at trying to get to leave today, but that may be difficult. So, I'm trying... We'll just see how it goes.

Aside, everything has been... well, it's been. Kat is home with her parents for Chirstmas (though, not completely liking it... she is upset that they're not going to be able to go to her aunt's for Christmas and that she won't get to see her grandparents...). However, she's hanging in there.

So, for now, I'm still working on working. Lots of academics to still be done. Trying to get all of my reading and over the break homework done now, rather than later. Etc etc.

Aside, I've been trying to revamp my physical activity schedule. My last one didn't work nearly as well as I hoped, mainly due to personal laziness (or, more so need to retreat away from people after working with them all day) and tons of course work. The tons of course work hasn't gone away, but I have more time than I did during the previous quarter. Hence, we'll see how this goes as well.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Masters, Masters, Masters...

So, I am on my second quarter of doing my Masters in Game Development and Design... And all I can say is writing... Yep, lots and lots of writing. To be honest, I really like writing. I write short stories, designs, and rules for random thoughts all of the time. However, last quarter, I wrote over 300 pages just for my two classes, not including senior project. For the final project in Interactive Narrative, my partner and I wrote a 48 page design document, 86 page dialogue script, and 22 page treatment, none of which could be said are fully complete. Yeah, lots of work...

Right now, I'm using my free time to further my engine and work on spare ideas. These include short story writing and the like.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Website Woes

So, someone had to tell me my website was broken in IE 8 and Opera a few days ago. Actually, it's good that they did tell me. Now I can only think of how many possible interviews and the like I may never get because of a broken website. Guess that is what happens when you do not thoroughly test a web product on all browsers and use third party php scripts.

Well, that is finished. I am thinking of adding a two new sections to my portfolio: 1) A writing section for writing samples and the like and 2) a game design section with examples of mods and the like I've made for Neverwinter Nights and similar games.

Well, that's really all to be honest. Hopefully this works out!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Personal Writing and Meetings

So, have I ever mentioned that I really, REALLY, do not like bars? I really don't like the atmosphere, the food, the drinks, etc. I would much rather prefer to go out elsewhere, but that seems to be another topic for discussion. Anyhow, what inspired this sudden rant? Well, I have a group meeting today at some point in time at a local bar to discuss work for the project we're working on. Now, I may not be too keen on the amount of work that gets done in a bar setting, but I am pretty sure that the amount of work that will get done will amount to something between 0 and 1, on a 100 point scale of how productive this meeting could be.

So, the obvious question to this is: So, why don't you just not go? I mean, you don't have to, right?

Well, that depends. As far as group dynamics and team building are considered, some of these types of meetings are great for bonding a team together better. Aside, they could possibly be productive, even though the chances are slim. Furthermore, when you're someone who tries to keep everyone on track, managing different aspects of the project, it's usually a bad idea to not be where your comrades in arms are.

Now, aside from my previous rant, there is also the second and less important issue: I have no money! None! No money whatsoever. So, as this can be seen, I am not going to get anything out of this trip aside maybe some group bonding time, but even that is doubtful.

So, now with that topic aside, we can talk about better things.

I have begun to work on my story series again (or series of short stories to be a better example). I have currently finished the first 2 of what will be close to a 20 story work, at least for what would be the first overarching story in the series. While I have more written on it (another 5 short stories I have worked on before), the majority of those will be redone as I work slowly onwards, re-writing them to suit my new style. I may start publishing them at some point to my website, though I will probably be keeping them close and under my eyes only until I have something worth publishing. That may include publishing them in some way that reduces the amount of negative capability in the whole series (meaning I may just publish the whole thing at once, lol).

Anyhow, we'll see how all of this goes.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Starting School (Again): Final Quarter for SE and Entering the Game Industry

So, I have finally started up classes again completely. Finishing up the last quarter for my BS in Software Engineering. Likewise, I'm also taking two graduate level courses in the Game Design and Development master's sequence, seeing as I am technically enrolled (but do not officially enter until this Winter).

Thinking over the summer, I came to realize that I should be applying to game companies because the overall experience I could get in industry would completely outweigh what I would get out of the masters. This is mainly due to the experience based nature of the industry, as well as the fact that, other than some minor skills I could pick up in the masters, what the masters would really do for me is build my portfolio (something I would get automatically working in the industry). Hence, I have applied to these places:

1. ArenaNet (#1 Choice, makers of Guild Wars, etc)
2. Bethesda Softworks (#2 choice, makers of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3)
3. Blizzard (#3 choice, makers of Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft)
4. Turbine (makers of Lord of the Rings Online, D&D Online)
5. Microsoft (Halo and XBox games division)

So, for all of those, I'm hoping to actually possibly hear something positive back. Because of the nature for most of these jobs, I probably won't begin to hear anything serious for another month, giving me two months to my proposed availability date.

So, that's it for now. Hopefully, between now and then, Senior Project won't eat me alive.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Upgrading Computers to Windows 7

So, today, I upgraded both my laptop and desktop to Windows 7. This was somewhat painful, as I wne tthrough backing up all important work I had, on top of having to install the OS, followed by installing all related software for each.

I have decided that I am going to try to separate my desktop into more of a "just for fun" machine, while my laptop will remain multi-purpose of both amusement, work, and classes.

Aside, I have been thinking of adding a writing and art section to the portfolio part of my website, so that I can show some of my more creative aspects. This could be a boon or a hindrance, depending on who reads it. However, it would be a great show of what I can do creatively (not all of it, but some of it).

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Can I have Guild Wars 2 Now Please!?

So, today ArenaNet made their big announcement and released the world premier trailer for Guild Wars 2.

Here is the site:

After watching that, all I have is this to say:

As a developer who wants to develop awesome games, I've found myself having two positions: wanting to make the awesome game, and then wanting to play the awesome game. So, here is my rant: when option 1 (developing the awesome game) is currently not an option, you fall back on playing the awesome game (or the closest thing you can get to it).

(Begin rant, humor, etc)

So, here is my message to ArenaNet:

You've completely ruined my break! I was planning on doing so much personal work on personal projects, working on my professional profile, etc. Now you go and release news like this to me!? Well, now I've stuck with option 2, having to play the closest thing to the awesome game you have shown (which means playing the first game). I had plans... Goals... I was going to work on so much over this few week break... And now, I'm playing Guild Wars.. Lots and lots of Guild Wars. There's only one way to make this up to me: you're just going to have to hire me. There's just no other way. It's the only way to get my motivation back for doing tons of awesome development and personal work. Well, what say you? I've given you everything you've asked for (application, resume, portfolio site... what more do you want from me).

(End rant)

So, aside, everyone should watch this trailer, just for how awesome it is. You need to watch it all the way, because it only gets better as it goes.

Anyhow, that is my personal rant for today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beth Turned 20 Yesterday!

So, yesterday, I spent time talking and working with Katlyn on getting everything setup for her sister's, Beth, birthday yesterday. I went over to hang out with Beth while everyone was at work, playing Guild Wars with her and distracting her until Steve and Kat got home from work. We then proceeded to take her out to dinner.

So, for dinner, we took her out to the Macaroni Grill. The only one of us that had ever been was Steve, so it was a new experience. The food was great and so was the service, especially for the relatively low prices. Beth was very excited and enjoyed her dish very much.

We then went back to Steve's place and presented the cake Kat had baked, on top of Beth's gifts (ha ha, I have no money... I just helped with her new computer). All in all, it was a cheerful time and everything went well.

Kat even wore a dress last night, which is relatively astonishing and very nice (I have to say, she typically doesn't have a reason to wear one... so, it's nice when she does and enjoys it).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Making the Most of My Time

So, for the next few weeks up until school starts, I am going to be trying to make the most of my time for accomplishing personal projects, getting some extra money, and relaxing (and after 5 quarters of straight work/class, I could use it). So, my tentative schedule is going to be the following:

* 1 to 2 hours - Work on game related articles for publishers.
* 1 to 2 hours - Work on Neverwinter Nights 2 Mod or IL Engine.
* 1 to 2 hours - Work on resume, website, and professional links (blog, etc.)
* 1 to 2 hours - Play new games and gather ideas for personal works.
* 1 to 2 hours - Do physical activity (Kendo, Iaido, Aikido, Running, Jogging, DDR, etc.)
* 2 to X hours - Play games / Hang out with Kat after work.

This is mainly for my benefit to have a plan of doing things for each day. Otherwise, odds are I won't get a lot done. Aside, the timings are really only suggestive, as if I have a serious break through with work or some such during a day, I may work much longer.

Aside, those are my current daily plans.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Last Day of Finals

So, today I had the last of my finals for the quarter, ending finals week for me. Both finals ended up being fairly difficult in comparison to the original material they covered, but overall I feel I did relatively well.

So, with that said, I'm gearing up to be working on some personal projects for the next few weeks between the two quarters. This includes my Neverwinter Nights 2 mod, Lands of Neremeir, as well as my game engine primer and related libraries I've been developing. I also need to update my website with my work experience from Project ASE and senior project.

Aside, I'm planning my work and academic hours for next quarter, which is slightly troublesome. Along with these, I have other payments due this month, along with school, which will be interesting to see how they all turn out.

So, all in all, even with school out, I'm going to be very busy.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What to Do when You're so Burnt Out!

So, after finishing up the majority of senior project documentation and having to deal with a few extra meetings, I've been pretty burnt out. Classes have only added to this, which makes me somewhat upset because otherwise I would be enjoying them a lot. Oh well, it can't be helped.

So, being burnt out has made it hard for me to go home and do anything amusing. I feel so exhausted that nothing seems like fun, even playing games and such. I've tried several times, but they can barely hold my attention. Furthermore, if something hiccups the game or goes completely wrong, it usually ends up ending my gaming session.

However, a slightly positive side effect has been that I've finally started working on a NWN2 mod I've been planning since NWN 1. So, it's actually coming quite well. I'm getting very experienced with the features and options very quickly, which is nice. Tons of gameplay testing of just the layouts of the areas already, which is cool.

Aside, I applied for a new Game Designer position at ArenaNet. I haven't heard back from them yet on the position, but I hope to soon. Because I really don't graduate for another 3 months, it's hard to expect them to want to interview and hire me right now, especially in such a competitive environment. However, I am hoping to hear back from them soon.

So, that about wraps it up for now.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Upcoming Week

Well, Kat is gone for the week. So, I'm here at home, working on ideas for new articles, finishing up some classwork, working on personal projects, and taking care of the iguana.

During the course of working, I think I'm going to plan on finishing up several games I have started, including: Final Fantasy XII (correction, beat it last night; may do more, don't know), Magna Carta: Tears of Blood, Okami, Devil May Cry 2. May play some more DDR and such too. Aside, will probably be at the gym doing sword work a little more, to fill in some of the time.

Aside, got an article published on FreeMMOGamer. Turns out it was divided into 2 articles, which is kinda nice (two for me). Also, it gives me another thing to put on my resume.

Well, that's about it for now.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Too Many Hours in the Car

So, this past weekend, Kat, her sister, our friend Steve (Kat's sister's boyfriend), and myself went down to Kat's parents for her cousins' get together on Long Island. To say the least, it was alright, save for the 15 hours of car travel spent over the past 3 days.

So, Kat's father seems like he's getting sick again, which is rough on her mother a lot. Aside, the get together was ok. Due to lack of sleep and being cramped in a car for so many hours, Kat and I are pretty wiped and would like to be able to sleep everything off. However, school and work do not play well with taking a few days just to relax, so alas, no go there.

I am just glad to not be in a car.

Oh, as a last remark, we have to go get her a new phone, cause her current one is dead. Need to get it done soon so I can call my family and let them know what's up.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hack Days and Trying to Keep On the Level

Well, this weekend my Senior Project group has another Hack Day planned for finishing up the coding for the prototype for the website. This should work well, if everything goes according to plan. Anyhow, we'll see how it goes.

However, this Hack Day, like the last one, has really been cutting into my weekend time I get to spend with Katlyn, which annoys me to a great degree. Pretty much everyone is open on Fridays, but no one would like to do it then, except for me, which causes some issues. So, we settle for Saturdays. I really wish it was on Friday, because then I could work with everyone while Kat is at work, rather than having to work on the time she and I both have off.

Anyhow, we're planning on going either hiking or trail biking this weekend, though if the rain starts and doesn't stop, we may just settle for DDR and going to the gym for a swim or such.

Anyhow, everything at work and otherwise is going well. I haven't been paid for the last 4 weeks, but that is my fault (I am horrible at reporting hours by email). All else seems to be fine though.

Well, that's it for now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

100 Pushups?

So, last week Katlyn and I started this work out routine that can be found here:

So, we're both working on building our upper body strength, something neither of us really used to be too concerned with, but something we found that might be useful and improving for each of our areas of interests (her for hiking and climbing, me for those and arm control for sword work).

Well, we'll see how long we stick with it. I'm determined to keep her on track, and she is likewise determined to make sure I do it with her. Hence, this should work (theoretically).

Introduction and What's Up

So, here I am, now talking about just some personal life occurrences. So, here goes a little blurb about myself, just for everyone to know.

My name is Bradley Blankenship. I am 22 years old and studying software engineering at the Rochester Institute of Technology, hoping to use my knowledge and skills to make an entry into the game design and development industry.

Naively, I'm from Nevada. From childhood, I eventually came to be a resident of the state of Oklahoma, where I finished both middle and high school. I have one younger brother who just entered adulthood and two younger twin sisters. I adore my family and enjoy spending time with them, even though that has become hard and more straining over the course of the last few years.

I have a wonderful fiance here with me, who I have been dating and lived with for the past 4 years. She backs me with my personal goals and ambitions, and has supported me through all of my endeavors at school. I, as much as anyone can, hope that I have done the same for her. We both enjoy working together, enjoying various forms of indoor and outdoor entertainment together, and just generally being able to chill around each other while doing our own projects and past-times.

My indoor hobbies include video gaming, of which some of my favorite games include the Final Fantasy series, Kingdom Hearts, DDR, The Elder Scrolls series, Guild Wars, and various other online games. I love the Dungeons and Dragons role playing system, being a veteran DM and Player. I also love programming and designing, focusing around intense algorithms, graphics, and games.

My outdoor hobbies include mountain and trail biking, martial arts (my focus is sword technique, with a focus on Kendo, Iaido, Aikido, Fencing, Kung Fu, and Tai Chi), and hiking and climbing.