Saturday, February 13, 2010

End of Quarter Lament

So, I haven't been able to get Kat to the Carousel Mall yet. In fact, between her programming bouts, depression, and other crap in life, we haven't gotten to do much at all. Aside, we've both been so busy, that it has been difficult to get much done. I'm just hoping that, in another week or so, her migraines will calm down a little. With the stress lessening with the end of the quarter, hopefully this will be so.

The rest of the quarter has flown by. Designing and building a card game for game design class has preoccupied the majority of my classwork time. In fact, between me and the other people, we typically spend anywhere from 30 - 50 hours a week on the game. For a single class, that is a lot of work. We've tested the game dozens of times, reworked and tweaked the mechanics an equal number, and are still smoothing out the wrinkles. We're going to be printing the final alpha release cards soon, so hopefully those turn out nice.

I have an interview with Microsoft this week, on the 16th. Hopefully it will be a good interview. However, the fact that I told them I can't start till the end of next year could be a put off for them. But, seeing as they know my availability, maybe it won't be so bad. Only time will tell (perhaps Dylan has something to do with this, who knows).

Well, that sums up everything important for the past few weeks. Oh, have started playing D&D 4th edition with some of the game design guys and Kat. It has been pretty fun thus far. Now, if only I can get Kat to come to another session. That'd make my week, right there.